The Hitchin Festival along with Hitchin BID, Hitchin Initiative, The Queen Mother Theatre & Bancroft Players, members of the local community and a number of arts industry professionals curated a programme of events to mark the 70th Anniversary of the first performance in the Dell (Woodside Open Air Theatre). The first performance was 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' on 25th July 1951.
The programme for 2021 ran from Saturday 24th July with a week of live theatre and entertainment up until 31st July.
The programme included local talents and performances as well as afternoon childrens entertainment and shows. The week was promoted as part of the month long Hitchin Festival programme.
Scroll down to see a look back at the week.
More investment is needed in order to improve the space further for future use as a venue for performance and events, but it is hoped that we will one day return again.
We continue to talk to the council and their contractors about how further improvements can be made to things like access and security so we can return, but we will need more support.
We are looking for funding to help offset the cost of staging this week of shows but more importantly to develop a longer term plan for the future that will see the Dell able to be used on a regular basis as a community space for all.
Your support and input will help us develop these plans and help breathe new life into a long-standing Hitchin landmark.
Follow @thedellhitchin on social media to find out more.